Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I know it's been a while since I updated here...Work has kept me busy and stressed, and now that the holidays are upon us, I don't foresee any kind of let up.....But be that as it may, I would like to say although I often use this blog as a bitch-fest, I am grateful and Thankful for many things. Namely:
-My beautiful son, Kyan, who just turned 4 months old on Nov. 24th:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
-My wonderful husband, Jon, who has been putting up with my moodiness and general frustration with life lately:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
-My Mother, Father, and Sister, and my in-laws, who are all wonderful and all manage to drive my crazy in their own, unique ways....
-The new friends I have made this year...My friends from Babycenter, who have truly been a lifeline..
--The nice couple I met in birthing class-Lori and Chris and their son, Rowan, who is was born just 4 days after Ky....It's been so much fun getting to know them, and great to have someone close by who is in all the same stages with their baby as me...
--Chad and Marcie, who are sweet and easy to be friends with....and have asked us to be in their wedding next June-Jon and I are honored.
--Seth and Julie, and their daughter Joleen...Sweet people, with big, big hearts...
-I am likewise grateful that my grandmother, who is about to turn 80 and has had some health problems these last few months, is doing okay at the moment, and has gotten to see and hold Ky; and that my Uncle Bob (who refers to Kyan as "Pepper") and who suffers from ALS has been able to see the baby.

At any rate, there is much to be Thankful for-not nearly all of it is listed above......I will be psoting pics, hopefully in the next week or so, so you can see our finished Living room, as well as all the Christmas decorations we are putting up.......I leave you with this final pic......which is precisely why I had children-to torture them with silly photo ops!
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1 comment:

Jessica said...

woah, Santa with a real beard that is awesome! It was nice to see you the other day..Kyan is a doll, he is really beautiful.